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Get Ready for Max’s Big Ride!

Get ready because it’s almost time for Max’s Big Ride to start!

On June 25th, five year old Max and his father, Andrew Sedmihradsky, will begin riding their cargo bike along the Waterfront Trail all the way from Ottawa to Hamilton (that’s a whopping 600km)! This ride is currently scheduled to be one week long, ending on July 1st. Max and his father are going on this ride in order to find a cure for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) through the charity, Jesse’s Journey.Reach.jpgFor those unfamiliar with the term, DMD is a 100% fatal disease that causes the degeneration of muscles in the body. Fortunately, Max Sedmihradsky is seeing benefits in DMD research and can take a drug known as Translarna that addresses the cause of his disease.

What’s incredible is that in 2015, Max’s team raised an amazing $55,000 towards a cure and gained huge attention in the media as they rode their bikes in Ontario.

Today, Mark had the pleasure of sitting down with the inspirational Andrew Sedmihradsky and learn all about the inception of Max’s Big Ride and what they hope to accomplish. Andrew also told us a little more about Max himself and what it’s like to ride a bike for 10 days straight!

In order to donate to Max’s Big Ride, click here. You can also contact Andrew Sedmihradsky himself!

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